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Skin Spectrum


Keeping the face and body hair-free demands a great deal of time and constant maintenance, but laser hair removal at Skin Spectrum reduces the need for shaving, waxing, threading or tweezing. Laser hair removal is a non-invasive method of photo epilation, which does not require needles, messy waxes or chemical creams. Since thousands of hairs can be zapped in a single treatment session, large areas like the back, shoulders, arms, and legs can be effectively and efficiently treated. Patients who have achieved clear, firm, glowing skin frequently add laser hair removal to their services for skin that is not just radiant but also smooth and hairless.


Human hairs are comprised of three distinct parts: The bulb at the base of the hair follicle that produces hair, the hair follicle, and the hair shaft itself. Both the bulb and the follicle are embedded within the skin, leaving only the hair shaft visible on the skin’s surface. For long-term hair removal, the hair follicle must be destroyed along with its germinating centers that are in the bulb. Human hairs are always in various phases of the growth cycle, and lasers only destroy those hairs that are in the active phase. Due to these staggered growth cycles, patients require multiple treatments over the course of several weeks to months for results that last.

Laser light energy causes thermal injury to the hair follicle. The targeted hair structures are disabled when the temperature in the hair follicle reaches a level that inhibits hair regrowth. In clinical trials to date, using several different lasers and intense pulsed light hair removal systems, some test sites remained hair-free for up to two years. At Skin Spectrum, we have many patients who experience little to no hair regrowth many years after their initial treatments, while others need only an occasional maintenance treatment to remain hairless.


The Light Sheer® DUET™ laser uses vacuum technology for increased comfort and efficiency, and its larger spot size allows for more rapid treatment sessions on areas such as the legs and back. It also has a second handpiece with ChillTip® cooling designed to treat smaller areas more comfortably.

The Fotona Nd:YAG laser with FRAC3® technology incorporates pulse-control technology and a three-dimensional treatment pattern to safely and effectively target hair follicles on all skin types.

During your consultation, one of our highly trained certified medical laser technicians will determine which laser is optimal for your skin type and the desired area of treatment. Special care must be taken when lasers are used on darker skin tones, and hair laser devices target pigmented hair, rendering the treatment of light or white hair ineffective.


The length of a laser session may be a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the treatment area. Most patients report a slight tingling or stinging sensation but tolerate the procedure well. As some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, the application of topical anesthesia can minimize discomfort during the procedure.

Hair removal requires a series of treatments, and although permanent hair removal is the goal, some patients may experience hair regrowth that is finer in texture and lighter in color.

Side effects, possible but very rare, include damage to the surrounding healthy tissue in the form of scars, burns, redness, and swelling.

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